ICCS Invited Talk: Title: CLOS solutions to binary methods Dr. Didier Verna Assistant professor at EPITA, France didier@lrde.epita.fr Abstract: Impementing binary methods in traditional object oriented languages is difficult: numerous problems arise, such as typing (covariance vs. contravariance of the arguments), polymorphism on multiple arguments (lack of multi-methods) etc. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how those problems are either solved, or inexistent in the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS). Several solutions for implementing binary methods in CLOS are proposed. They mainly consist in re-programming a binary-method specific object system with the CLOS meta-object protocol. About the speaker: Dr. Didier Verna is an assistant professor at EPITA, France. He graduated from ENST (National Superior School of Telecommunications of Paris) and has a Ph.D. in Computer Science. He gives lectures on Operating Systems, Functionnal Programming, Computer Typesetting and Image Synthesis in various engineering schools and university Masters in Paris. His research fields include Genericity and Object Orientation within functionnal languages, and their efficiency. Didier Verna is also involved in Free Software. He is a member of the XEmacs Review Board, a developer of BBDB and Gnus, maintains several LaTeX packages and contributes regularly to other GNU projects.