The 2020 International Conference of Financial Engineering
  London, U.K., 1-3 July, 2020
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The 2020 International Conference of Financial Engineering (ICFE'20) will take place in London, U.K., 1-3 July, 2020.

The conference ICFE'20 is held under the World Congress on Engineering 2020. The WCE 2020 is organized by the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), and serves as good platforms for the engineering community members to meet with each other and to exchange ideas. The last IAENG conferences attracted more than one thousand participants from over 30 countries. All submitted papers will be under peer review and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding (ISBN: 978-988-14049-2-3). The abstracts will be indexed and available at major academic databases. The accepted papers will also be considered for publication in the special issues of the journal Engineering Letters, in IAENG journals and in edited books.

Calls for Manuscript Submissions
  Draft Paper Submission Deadline (extended): 23 March, 2020
Camera-Ready Papers Due & Registration Deadline (extended): 6 April, 2020
WCE 2020: 1-3 July, 2020



The topics of the ICFE'20 include, but not limited to, the following:

Investment banking

Corporate strategic planning

Risk management

Primary and derivative securities valuation

Swaps & derivatives trading or dealing

Financial information systems management

Portfolio optimization
Portfolio management

Securities trading

Stocks and exchange rates prediction

Interest rate modeling

Financial mathematics

Applications of computer science methods in finance



The ICFE Program Committee

Prof. Francesco Audrino
Professor of Statistics, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Prof. Mietek Brdys
Head of 'Decision Support and Control Systems' Network Research Centre and Director of Postgraduate Admissions,
Department of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Birmingham, UK
Professor, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Dept. of Control Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland

Prof. Alexandre Carvalho
Head of the Spatial Studies Department, Institute of Applied Economics Research (IPEA), Brazil

Dr. Janet Cole
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Computing, Information Systems & Mathematics, Kingston University, UK

Prof. Youssef El-Khatib
Assistant Professor, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates

Dr. Kostas Giannopoulos
Head of Finance and Banking, The British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dr. Nalan Gulpinar (co-chair)
Associate Professor of Operational Research, Warwick Business School
University of Warwick, UK

Prof. Renkuan Guo
Professor, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Prof. Salih Turan Katircioglu
Associate Professor of Economics, Vice Chair,
Department of Banking and Finance, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus
Editor: International Journal of Economic Perspectives

Prof. Marina Resta
Assistant Professor, DIEM sez. di Matematica Finanziaria, Facolt`a di Economia via Vivaldi 5, Universita' degli Studi di Genova, Italy

Prof. Tadeusz Sawik
Professor and Head
Computer Integrated Manufacturing,
AGH University of Science & Technology, Poland

Prof. Quah Tong Seng (co-chair)
Professor of Information Communication Institute of Singapore (ICIS)
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Prof. Constantin Zopounidis (co-chair)
Professor of Financial Management and Operations Research,
Department of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Editor-in-Chief in two journals: Operational Research: An International Journal; The Journal of Financial Decision Making


  WCE Congress Co-chairs  

Prof. Alexander M. Korsunsky
Professor of Engineering Science
Fellow and Former Dean, Trinity College
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK



Prof. David WL Hukins, CPhys, FinstP, FIPEM, FRSE
Emeritus Professor of Biomedical Engineering &
Former Head of the School of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Birmingham, UK



Prof. Len Gelman (honorary co-chair)
Professor And Chair In Signal Processing And Condition Monitoring,
Director, the Centre for Efficiency and Performance Engineering,
The Honorary Technical Editor, the International Journal of Condition Monitoring,
The Editor-in-Chief, the International Journal of Engineering Sciences,
The Chair of the International Advisory Committee of the Second World Congress on Condition Monitoring
The Executive Director, International Society for Condition Monitoring
The University of Huddersfield, UK



Dr. Christopher John Hogger (honorary co-chair)
Emeritus Senior Lecturer
Department of Computing
Imperial College London, UK



Prof. Darek J. Ceglarek (ICMEEM honorary co-chair)
Professor, International Manufacturing Centre, University of Warwick, UK
Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Fellow of CIRP; Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, and ASME Transactions on Manufacturing Science and Engineering



Prof. Stephen Payne (ICSBB honorary co-chair)
Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering
Fellow and Tutor in Engineering Science
Former Dean of Degrees Keble College,
Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK




