London, U.K., 4-6 July, 2012  
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The conference proceedings will be published by IAENG (ISBN: 978-988-19251-3-8) in hardcopy. The length of each camera-ready paper will be limited to 6 pages. The registration fee includes the publication of one accepted paper of up to 6 pages in the conference proceeding. For each additional paper by the same author, there is a charge of US$180 per additional paper.

The camera-ready version of the accepted paper with its assigned paper number can be sent to in pdf format or in MS Word format. The accepted papers will be considered for publication in the special issues of the journal Engineering Letters, in IAENG journals and in edited books. Revised and expanded version of the selected papers may also be included as book chapters in the standalone edited books under the cooperation between IAENG and publishers like Springer.

For reference, the following post conference edited books of our recent IAENG conferences have been published by Springer and America Institute of Physics: Trends in Intelligent Systems and Computer Engineering, Advances in Communication Systems and Electrical Engineering, Advances in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, and Current Themes in Engineering Science.

The full-text congress proceeding will be indexed in major database indexes so that it can be assessed easily. After the publication of the proceeding, print copies will be sent to databases like IET INSPEC, EBSCO, ISI Thomson Scientific, Engineering Information (Ei) Compendex, The Technology Research Databases (TRD) of CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts), DBLP, Scopus, Google Scholar, CiteSeerX, Ulrich's, and Computer Science Bibliographies for indexing. As an updated example of our successes, our past proceedings have been indexed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (formerly called ISI Proceedings), which is an integrated index within Web of Science (updated on January 2010).

WCE 2012 Proceeding Templates
  The length of each camera-ready paper will be limited to 6 pages. The registration fee includes the publication of one accepted paper of up to 6 pages in the conference proceeding. For papers of more than 6 pages, the page charge is US$40 per additional page. Each conference participant will be entitled to one proceeding at the conference.  

The MS Word Template (in A4 size and the IEEE two-column format) can be downloaded here:

The LaTeX Template can be downloaded here (zipped):

The LaTeX Template along with the BibTeX Template can be downloaded here (zipped):

The Tex Template (old version) can be downloaded here:

The camera-ready version of the accepted paper with its assigned paper number can be sent to in PDF format or in MS Word format.




